244 Vineyard Road
Huntington Bay, NY 11743-0873
Office: 631-427-2843
Police: 631-427-2020
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Village Justice Court
Judge: Stephen Kunken
Village Prosecutor: Mara Manin Amendola (maraamendola18@gmail.com)
Court Clerk: Sonia Lysek (slysek@nycourts.gov)
Court Clerk Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00AM-3:00PM
Phone: 631-427-2843
Upcoming Court Dates: ​
5:00 PM Thursday, March 13, 2025 at Village Hall
5:00 PM Thursday, April 10, 2025 at Village Hall
Court Address:
244 Vineyard Road
Huntington Bay, NY 11743
​Plea of Not Guilty to a Summons
Court starts at 5:00PM located at Village Hall, 244 Vineyard Road, Huntington Bay.
First come, first serve. You will have the opportunity to meet with the Village
Prosecutor or the Assistant District Attorney (depending on the type of summons)
before the Judge appears at 5:30PM. Please appear in court the date noted on your
If you are unable to appear on the date you were provided, you MUST call the
Court Clerk for an adjournment.
*Bring any documents of proof to court with you
At court. we accept Visa, Mastercard, Money Orders, Certified Checks and
Cash ONLY. As of December 2014, credit cards transactions are charged 2.99%.
For example, if your summons is $100 and you use your credit card to pay,
you will be paying $103.00.
We DO NOT accept Personal Checks, American Express or Discover at Court but you may pay online with with GovPayNet with all credit cards.
If your license is suspended, there is a $70 charge from Department of Motor Vehicles to lift the suspension.
(If you have received a summons for “No Insurance” click here to download the proof requirements needed from your insurance company.) If you supply the proper proof, your summons will be dismissed.
Plea of Guilty to a Summons
Click here for fine amounts. If you do not see your violation listed then you may email the court at slysek@nycourts.gov or call 631-427-2843.
Please fill out the “Plea of Guilty” portion on the back of your summons and send in your Money Order or Certified Check to Village Justice Court (Attn: Payments, 244 Vineyard Road, Huntington Bay, NY 11743) or you may pay online using our online payment system GOVPAYNET.
We DO NOT accept personal checks.
Walk In: Credit Card (Mastercard and Visa only. A 3% fee is added to credit card charges), Cash, Money Order or Certified Check payments may be made in person at Village Hall during Court Clerk hours.
Call: You may call during Court Clerk hours to make a credit card payment by phone (631-427-2843 ).
Mail: Money Order and Certified Checks may be mailed with your Plea of Guilty portion filled out (located on the back) to Village Hall. Please provide your Name and Summons # in the envelope. No personal checks.
Pay Online: Pay your ticket using our online payment system GOVPAYNET. A service fee will be assessed on all credit card payments. Service fee information is on the website at time of payment. All credit cards accepted.
Pay your ticket on-line.
Please read before using online
payment system:
All payments must be paid in full or your payment will be rejected. If you do not know your fine amount click here. A service fee will be assessed on all credit card payments. Service fee information is on website at time of payment.
Payments may continue to be made by cash or by money order, cashier/certified check without imposition of a service fee. Please note that neither the municipality nor the court receives any portion of the service fee.